Archive | July, 2012

10 Tips for Teachers to Monitor Internet Safety

12 Jul

The internet is a amazing tool for learning but it also comes with some downsides.  As an educator you’ll want to make sure you’re aware of what kind of trouble can lurk on the net.  Here are some to consider.

  • Posting distasteful images
  • Accessing distasteful images
  • Engaging in distasteful online conversation
  • Sharing personal information like full name, address, school, or phone numbers
  • Copy write infringement fines
  • Unhealthy usage habits
  • Exposure to online viruses or spyware
  • Online scams and spam

With these pitfalls in mind, here are 10 things a teacher can do to create a safe online learning culture.  

  1. Clearly define “distasteful” images and conversation
  2. Model appropriate comments and postings
  3. Choose social networks intended for teachers to moderate
  4. Moderate conversation
  5. Demonstrate how to site resources and require it in every assignment
  6. Discuss the purposes of website (advertise, fool, inform, entertain) and how to identify each one
  7. Create and use class accounts to monitor all activities
  8. Preview the resources you’ll be using before sharing with students
  9. Choose web browsing launch pads that were created for kids
  10. Keep your technology skills up-to-date